Tuesday, June 9, 2009


What's up on my design wall, that is:

I am working on my quilt for Project Improv. I think I can use this for the B & W plus One Challenge, too, actually. It's black, white and dark green. I have it this far and now will leave it up there for a few days and switch things around- sort of mull it over. I somehow have a glitch somewhere because I only used 90 of the 100 squares I made. Anyone see the problem? I don't, but I bet if I leave it up there a while I will figure it out.

One picture shows the fish swimming clockwise and one shows them going counter-clockwise. They will be cut down smaller and have a border put around each one.

I am leaning toward counter-clockwise at this point.
So if anyone has any suggestions or input, I am wide open over here!
Edited to add: I figured out where I went wrong and it's 10 x 10 now, but I am not sure it's improved. I don't like how two of the white strips end up on the outside.


  1. I like the counter clockwise too! The other way they just appear upside down to me. I love design!

  2. I agree....counter clockwise. That's a really great project.

  3. This looks great! It looks almost like a mosaic from Italy.

  4. counter clockwise - it's really cool! are those fish applique, or did you print them?

  5. Never mind, dorky me went and looked again!

  6. oh lisa...i haven't seen this for so long...it's coming along so great. really love it!!!


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